15 August 2012

First Big Experience In Industry

see? thats my name right there. Walaupun takde orang akan perasan pon, but still im so proud that my name is in an ending credit of a telemovie that will be screened on TV. Like, whoa !

14 August 2012


Dear Allah,

Seandainya Kau catatkan dia milikku, satukanlah hatinya dgn hatiku

Dedication To Jerks All Over The World.

You Made Me

You promised me i'm the one..
You got me, but now i'm done..
You hooked me with words..
You picked me out of those girls..
You said i'm special..
You made me believe you..
You made me..

I thought  when i called, you'd be glad..
But i was left confused and mad..
I thought you'd stand tall beside..
But i was a fool to ever think that..
You made me believe you..
You made me..

I remember every single smells,
Every single laughs and smiles..
I cant believe you were faking 'em
I thought you cared..
Then you cut me deep
My wounds won't ever healed

Why did i even care,
to answer you that night..
Why did i let you walked into my life..
Your spell worked on me..
It took my whole life indeed..
Because you made me believe you..
You made me..

Every single laughs and smiles..
I can't believe you were faking 'em
I thought you cared..
But you cut me deep
My wounds won't ever healed..

I'll be forever stuck in this never ending love story..
Kix Dominic.

10 Surah dari Al-Quran Yang Boleh Diamalkan

Ada lagi satu, Surah Al-Kahfi (baca hari Jumaat)- dapat mencegah fitnah Dajjal menjelang hari Kiamat. :)


This has always been my biggest issue. I tend to worry on everything. I play safe and not brave enough to think outside the box. Well, at least that's what people told me. hahaha


Sedar tak sedar, lagi 3 hari je last kita puasa kan?
But yet, I still dont make the most of it.
InsyaAllah, Ahad ni raya dah.
Tapi duit elaun tak dapat lagi
amacam nak shopping ni geng?
Oh bossku yang pemurah, bagilah karyawanmu ini duitnya.
ahahaha. :D